Evening Skin Care Routine
Skin Care

Skin Care Routine (Evening)

Skin Care Routine (Evening)

Evening skin care routine with getting enough sleep is an essential factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Evening routine healthier skin.

Taking care of your skin is just as important as maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

There are many different ways to take care of the skin, it should not be a problem before going to bed like: “ugh, it’s late, maybe tomorrow”. A routine before going to bed for the skin is important and you shouldn’t leave it for tomorrow.

Evening Skin Care Routine

In the first stage, you need to wipe off the make-up and protective factor (if you have it) and the dust and bacteria that your face catches, which in fact you don’t even notice.

According to Doctors, it is best to double the evening routine, or cleanse twice during the night. You can also use an oil-based makeup remover with cotton pads if you’re wearing waterproof makeup.

The second stage: Gentle cleansing of the skin
No matter what type of skin you have, a gentle facial cleanser that won’t harm your face, cause some redness or things like that.

Sensitive and dry skin types should look for a hydrating cleanser, while oily and acne-prone skin types can opt for a gentle foaming cleanser.

Third phase: Targeted or precise treatments

With this phase, you should adjust your skin routine. However, it’s important to note that prescription retinoids and spot treatments work best on dry skin, so it’s best to let your skin dry for about 20 minutes after cleansing. before adding active treatments

Fourth phase: Serum with hyaluronic acid
This serum is recommended for dry skin. This serum is recommended for dry skin which does not mean that if you have oily skin you should not use it.
Fifth stage: Eye cream
When looking for eye creams, look for formulas that boost hydration and help firm skin to smooth fine lines and wrinkles
Some under eye creams claim to brighten and reduce the appearance of dark circles, however maintenance is important.

Sixth stage: Moisturizing the skin.

Every skin type should finish off their evening skincare routine with a moisturizer, even if your skin is oily or acne-prone.
If you do not do this phase, you may feel tight skin and very dry, and thus you will not be able to take advantage of your regular and long sleep.



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